
Don And Chris Are Hilarious!


Don Box and Chris Anderson two of Microsoft genius software architects just shown on Channel9 video fumbling with their "terrible" singing voice, although they are not good singers, or should they be, but the lyrics of the song is really rhyming:

Vista, we shipped it,
Vista, we shipped it,
Vista, we shipped it,
Better late than not.

Vista, you'll love it,
Vista, you'll love it,
Vista, you'll love it,
It's the best we've got.

[Here] we've got Indigo,
and it will really glow,
when you've got avalon,
spicing up the show,

Sure there's no WinFS,
but we've got RSS,
and search and indexing will sort out the rest,

Use - er Ac - count Con - trol
UAT, and I'm no admin,
UAT, and you're no admin,
UAT, and she's no admin,
UAT, and he's no admin,

Which is whyyyyyyyyyyyy!

We're happy again.


Henry Andrews said...

Interesting post I enjoyed read this